THE RUSSIAN MINISTER FOR INTERIOR A HAVE A MEETING WITH CHILDREN TCHETCHENES MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Natalia Byrkina). The Russian Minister for the Interior Vladimir Rouchailo had Monday a meeting with 40 children and eight teachers of three schools tchetchenes taken under its supervision by the ministry for the Interior, come has Moscow for breves holidays. Greeting invite them, Vladimir Rouchailo has releve that these ten dernieres years had a negative impact on teaching in Tchetchenie. And yet, A underlines the minister, the children tchetchenes must know about this qu occurs in their country. For this reason the ministry for the Interior invites, the second time already, of the schoolboys tchetchenes in the capital to pass breves holidays there. Vladimir Rouchailo gave of the flowers to the teachers and the gifts to the children: books and articles school. It A wishes with the schoolboys of successes in their studies, A thanks the teachers for their work, having underlines the courage with which they do all so that the children tchetchenes have a radiant future. The schoolboys tchetchenes will spend one week has Moscow, or they will see curiosities of the capital, will assist has concerts, will see films, a representation with the circus, will visit confectioneries and also Large the mosquee. The schoolboys and the teachers will discuss in more with representants of the federal autorites.