A TERRORIST TCHETCHENE ARRETE WHEN IT TRIED TO PLACE A MINE RADIOCOMMANDEE MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Guennadi Lissenkov). A member of a tape armee tchetchene has ete arrete when it tried to place a mine radiocommandee in the Leninski district has Grozny, the capital tchetchene, another gangster has ete keep silent, learned today RIA " Novosti " in the center from press of the federal Service of security of Russia. Lately, several terrorists of which those of the close entourage of Chamil Bassaiev have ete arretes in Tchetchenie, has one releve with the service of press. Certain a V Mejidov, active member of a tape armee search for a long time by the font at the federal level has ete arrete on March 9 has Goudermes. A tape of seven men has ete arretee in the district tchetchene of Naouri. It committed several crimes in territories of Stavropol and Krasnodar. They are ete all search by the font.