ZORAN DJINDJIC: THE MULTINATIONAL FORCE OF PEACE MUST FIGHT AGAINST THE ALBANIAN TERRORISTS BELGRADE, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Slabynko). The multinational force of peace in Kosovo (KFOR) must fight against the Albanian extremism, otherwise, it will wipe a defaite infligee by this terrorism and will have to leave shamefully, A declares the Prime Minister of Serbia Zoran Djindjic in an interview with the newspaper " Knell " appearing has Belgrade. However, the KFOR is not yet prete has this activity, estimates the Prime Minister. It A proposes to creer a commission independante to learn why the multinational force of peace does not have desarme the Albanian extremists in Kosovo who currently act in the South of Serbia and in Macedoine. It is clearly today that one should not justify all the situation by the bad policy of Milosevic, A affirms Djindjic. With regard to the payment of the problem of Kosovo, Djindjic A expresses the certainty that the majorite the Serb ones accepted the cohabitation of Serb and the Albanians in the territory provided that a dialogue fOet established. " It is the only means of adherer has the European Union ", estimates the Prime Minister.