THE NECESSARY GUARANTEES FOR THE RELEASE OF PAVEL BORODINE IN BOND WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE COURT OF NEW YORK MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maria Lokotetskaia). The lawyers of the executif Secretary of the Russia-Bielorussie Union will be able to provide to the court of Brooklyn of New York of the " additional guarantees " attesting that their customer can be libere in bond. Such is the opinion of Russian lawyers of Pavel Borodine, Guenrikh Padva and Eleonora Sergueieva. Intervening today during a press conference has Moscow, Padva and Sergueieva has rappele that the court of Brooklyn of New York would examine on March 16 the complaint of lawyers of Pavel Borodine against the decision of the judge of this court Viktor Pohorelski which did not have possible judge, March 9, of liberer Pavel Borodine in bond. Making this decision, the court recognized " has 90 % " the existence of exceptional circumstances allowing of liberer Pavel Borodine in bond, have underlines lawyers. The court has request with lawyers to provide the guarantees ensuring " technical " control absolute of displacements of Pavel Borodine has New York. In the opinion of lawyers, it is " absurd and ridiculous " to suppose that Pavel Borodine can hide on the territory of the Russian consulate has New York and that it is there permanently.