A DECISION CONCERNING THE REINFLATION OF SUBMARINE " KOURSK " COULD BE MADE AT TOP " RUSSIE-UE " The HAGUE, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Andrei Poskakoukhine). A concrete decision concerning the reinflation of the submarine " Koursk " could be made during the node " Russia-UE " which will be taken place this month has Stockholm. In an interview accordee has RIA " Novosti ", the secretary of the international foundation " Koursk " Rio Praaning has releve that the dissensions between Russia and its partners international with regard to the financing of the operation of raising of the submarine could be rules there. According to Rio Praaning, these differends originates in the participation of Russia has the realization of the ecological program of the European Union concerning the liquidation of the nuclear dechets in the North-West of Russia. (MNEPR). The secretary of foundation A explains that the UE insisted that before undertaking the remontee submarine which git on the marine resources of Barents since aoOet 2000, an agreement is reached between Russia and the European Union about this program. According to Neerlandais, the Russian part is prete has to associate the reinflation of the " Koursk " with program MNEPR but before she wants to receive a Western help for the financing of the operation and to then harness herself with the environmental program. Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), has rappele Rio Praaning, delays obtaining an agreement concerning program MNEPR but of its dimension the UE declares that it is disposee has to help Russia has to reinflate the " Koursk " as soon as Douma has gives its downstream for this agreement. Rio Praaning espere that at the time of the next meeting at the top " Russia-UE " has Stockholm Vladimir Poutine will hold a speech which will make it possible to arrive has a compromise between Russia and its partners and to start within the times fastest the operation of reinflation of the " Koursk ". Rio Praaning thinks that if Vladimir Poutine declares that Russia agrees for regler simultanement the question of the reinflation of the submarine and that of the implementation of the programme of recycling of the nuclear dechets, then the Occident will not await the end of the procedure engagee has Douma about the adoption of program MNEPR and will allot the necessary means immediately has the remontee of the " Koursk ". Sunday, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Ilia Klebanov had advertisement which the reinflation of the submarine had ete defers has the end of the ete or at the beginning of the autumn because of the delays occurred in the signature of the contract between the central Engineering and design department " Roubine " (Saint-Petersbourg), which had concu the submarine, and the international consortium which will realisera the operation. Ilia Klebanov A evokes rencontrees difficulties here by the foundation " Koursk " as regards collection of means. In this respect, Rio Praaning pointed out that if none the parts made efforts in order to arrive has a compromise, the " Koursk " will remain on the marine resources of Barents ". It has rappele that opinion of the experts, the reinflation of the submarine must start earliest possible in ete of this year, from July. If the operation is reportee has the autumn, then it will be heavier dangers, including for the people who will realiseront it. According to remarks' of the secretary of the foundation, " there correctly remain only a few weeks for preparer the remontee of the wreck " Rio Praaning, which coordinates the collection of the means allocate by the Western States, A declares that " or well the Western countries will pour the 50 percent of the sum necessary to finance the operation, or well there will be no money of the whole ", having in sight that the sum in question was not to be lower A 70 million dollars. With regard to Russia, it is disposee has to provide the other moitie, that is to say 35 million dollars.