RUSSIA WILL CARRY OUT TODAY A PAYMENT WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE REFUNDING OF THE DEBT OF THE EX-URSS TO THE CLUB OF PARIS MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russia will pay approximately 0,2 today billion dollar within the framework of the refunding of the debt of the ex-URSS to the club of the countries crediteurs of Paris, learned RIA " Novosti " aupres from a source close to the government. According to the source, this sum will include/understand the payment of March according to the original calendar, as well as the moitie retardee of the nap of the payment for January. As that has already ete announces, Russia A delays in January the payment of approximately 298 million dollars to the club of Paris. Let us recall that Russia A pours in January with the club of Paris approximately 32 million dollars, in February, nearly 1,26 billion dollar and, from the beginning of March, 32,2 million dollars. On the whole, Russia will pour with the club of Paris in 2001 approximately 3,7 billion dollars to refund the sovietic debt. The debt of the ex-URSS to the countries crediteurs of the club of Paris east of approximately 40 billion dollars.