THE REPRESENTANT OF THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT FOR THE CASPIAN ONE WILL BE DUE TO THE KAZAKHSTAN OF THE CONSULTATIONS ON THE CASPIAN ONE ASTANA, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Revmira Vochtchenko). The representant special one of the Russian president for the problems of the basin of Caspian, Viktor Kalioujni, is waited Monday at the evening in the capital of Kazakhstan for a visit of work. According to the service of press of the ministry for Energy and resources minerales of Kazakhstan, representant it Russian will have debattre with the president and the government of Kazakhstan the program of the future meeting in Turkmenistan of the heads of the States of the basin of Caspian, as well as problems of actualite of the Russo-kazakhe co-operation in the Caspian area.