THE VISIT OF THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT IN RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The visit that the Iranian president, Mohamad Khatemi, start Monday in Russia should give fresh impulse has the co-operation bilaterale in all the fields. This opinion has ete emitted the arrivee day before has Moscow of the Iranian president by official representants of the ministries for the Businesses etrangeres of the two countries. RIA " Novosti " learned aupres from informees sources at the Russian department of policy etrangere that during their talks presidents Iranian, Mohamad Khatemi, and Russian, Vladimir Poutine, will procederont has an exchange gives full details sights on the development of the Russo-Iranian ratios, the prospects for the trade co-operation and economic bilaterale like on international and regionaux files. According to Russian diplomats', the parts should sign several documents, of which an agreement on the principles of the mutual reports/ratios and the co-operation, of the joint declarations on terrorism, the international security and strategic stability. Mohamad Khatemi will arrive has Moscow Monday morning March 12. The same day it will be received by the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, will have talks with the Prime Minister, Mikhail Kassianov, and the Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov. Tuesday, the Iranian host of mark should pay visits in the Center of control of the space flights of Koroliev, in the surroundings of Moscow, has the Muscovite Institute of the international relations as well as has the University of Moscow. The same day, Mohamad Khatemi will have a meeting with the leaders of the Union of the industrialists and the contractors of Russia and will discuss with the president the Council the muftis, Ravil Gainoutdine. The Iranian president should also meet the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russies, Alexis II, in the residence of this one with the monastere Saint Daniel. Wednesday, the head of the Iranian State will meet the president of Douma (Lower House of the Parliament), Guennadi Selezniev, and will make a speech in front of the deputes. The same day, Mohamad Khatemi will gain by Saint-Petersbourg plane then will join Kazan in the evening. The return has Teheran is prevu for March 15.