SETTING IN QUESTION OF THE SUMMIT OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE CASPIAN PREVU FOR APRIL THE BEGINNING OF MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres, Viktor Kalioujny, representant special of the president for the Caspian Sea, does not exclude cancellation from the node of the heads of State of the bordering countries from Caspian, prevu for next April the beginning of and having for goal to define the legal statute of the Caspian one. Viktor Kalioujny made this statement Sunday, at the time of a press conference has Moscow. Russia " includes/understands the arguments of the Iranian part which has request to defer the one month node has the occasion of a visit has Moscow of the Iranian president, who will begin Monday ", A indicates representant it of the president. But the carryforward of the node temoigne also of a " reduction in the acuite of the problem ", according to him. Who more is, the calendar of all the heads of State is if load that it is very difficult to find a date which would be appropriate has everyone, has additions Viktor Kalioujny.