THE UNITED STATES * RUSSIA * EMBASSY * TUNNEL * SEARCH * THE INHABITANTS OF WASHINGTON TAKES AN ACTIVE PART A THE SEARCH FOR A " TUNNEL " UNDER THE EMBASSY OF RUSSIA WASHINGTON, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). Many publications of the mass media americains on a secret tunnel built by the FBI under the embassy of Russia has Washington, have excites the inhabitants of the streets close to the embassy, which have begins active search of this tunnel, has advertisement Sunday Washington Post while being referant has a survey organizes among Americains which lives not far from the embassy of Russia. " I want to know what occurs on our premises ", A declares has Washington Post Michael Hyman, president of the Association of the citizens of the district of Glover Park. " Washington Post " learned that the inhabitants of the buildings locate has proximity of the embassy of Russia examine the basements of their houses and the streets by seeking outputs of the tunnel. They have already " finds " at least two buildings inhabites which are one face has the principal entree embassy and other A a close street, of or the secret service americains would supervise the Russian diplomatic representation. The inhabitants of the district have states with the correspondent of the daily newspaper to have seen have many resumptions of the photographic objectives and people with certain equipment apparaitre in the fenetres of these houses, and notice other signs of activity in the two buildings inhabites. Same a employee of the Service of census of the population could not find their owners. People stress that they considerent the embassy of Russia like a " good neighbor " and declarent themselves more in security thanks to the permanent presence of the guard of the embassy. If ever the inhabitants find the famous tunnel, why not reconvert it in new subway line? as A proposes Norman Birnbaum, resident district. " the Russians could also help us, the subway of Moscow is very good ", according to Birnbaum.