REFORMS LEGAL DEBATTUE IN THE KREMLIN MOSCOW, March 11. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Oleg Ossipov /. All the agreements realisees during the meeting consacree has reforms it judicial power must be the subject of "actes legislatifs which will come into effect as of the next year ". It is what A declares assistant the head of the presidentielle administration Dmitri Kozak, head of the working group charges with reforms legal system. According to him, during this meeting which was held in the Kremlin Sunday, " 100% of the proposals of the working group have ete supported by the representants of the judicial power ". " Now, one includes/understands in which direction it is necessary to advance ", A still indicates Dmitri Kozak. All the participants holds the meeting have ete unanimous has to affirm that DEBATES of today have ete useful and that they should be continued, A underlines the assistant head of the presidentielle administration. The next meeting will be consacree with the Code of procedure penale of the Federation of Russia and of the representants of the administrations of forces will be there invite, has for its part indicates president Vladimir Poutine.