A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE OF UNION RUSSO-BIELORUSSE SE WILL HOLD A MOSCOW ON APRIL 2 MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Chichlo). Next 2 April, the Council of State Supreme of the Russo-bielorusse Union will reunira itself has Moscow for the premiere time into 2001, has advertisement Sunday the Secretary of State of the Union by interim Igor Selivanov. The agenda of the meeting will include/understand five or six questions, according to him, whose principal one is the approval of the budget of the Union for 2001. The budget has ete adopts on last 2 March by the parliamentary Parliament of the Russia-Bielorussie Union, has rappele Igor Selivanov. Several cultural events are prevus within the framework of the meeting, which are devote to the eme anniversary of the union. Igor Selivanov did not exclude that the presidents of the two countries take share has these demonstrations.