RUSSIA WILL TAKE PART A IDEX-2001 Abu Dhabi, March 11. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Igor KOUZNETSOV /. More than 800 companies of 42 countries will take part has one of the greatest international exhibitions of the armament, IDEX-2001, which will be deroulera from the 18 to March 22 in the capital of the plain Arab Emirates. Russia, exhibitor traditional since 1993, will be there presentee by about fifty companies, engineering and design departments and companies, has advertisement Sunday with the journalists the president of the Steering Committee of the exposure the general one of brigade Sultan Al-Suweidi. For the premiere time one will see there exhibitors come from Kazakhstan, of Bosnia and Herzegovine, Brazil and of Ireland. IDEX will confirm for the cinquieme time, according to the general one, its reputation of complex exposure of armament for all the armees, has the exclusion of Armee of the air. Thus, this time the exposure will include/understand 13 ships of 7 countries, of which a Pakistani submarine. 17 machines of war of 9 States will make the demonstration of their caracteristic techniques and 13 systems of shootings of 11 countries will carry out shootings of exhibition.