MOSCOW IS PRET A A CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE WITH LITHUANIA MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russian president Vladimir Poutine has address a message of answer has his counterpart lituanien Valdas Adamkus. The head of the State has note the provision of Russia has to carry out a Russo-lituanien constructive dialogue and has to promote the relations bilaterales in the spirit of the good vicinity and of the mutually advantageous co-operation by carefully taking account of the interests reciproques of the two countries, has advertisement the service of press of the head of the Russian State. Vladimir Poutine A also expresses the hope that the future talks at the Russo-lituaniens top would contribute to the bringing together ulterior of the two countries. The presidents Russian and lituanien have exchange of the messages has the visit day before in Rusie of the president lituanien, who will take place from the 29 to next 31 March, according to the service of press.