THE DISSOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT DESTABILISERA THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA, ESTIMATES GROUP " DEPUTE OF THE PEOPLE " MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Galina Filippova). The group " Depute of the people " estimates that the intention to vote a motion of censure has the regard of the Russian government, that whose decoule the dissolution of the Parliament, " is a politically harmful initiative which can carry damage has the stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the country ", A declares Sunday with the journalists Anatoli Aksakov, depute of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), vice-president of the political consulting of the Russian political movement socio- " Depute of the people ". " We do not want depenser for that our forces and the money of the people ", has it declares. The initiative to vote the motion of censure belongs to the Communists who have ete, in fact, supported by the propresidentielle fraction " Unit " which wants to obtain the dissolution of the Parliament and the elections legislatives anticipees. The expenditure for the elections anticipees has the douma will depasseront 2 billion roubles not prevus has this end with the budget, A underlines Aksakov. " By consequent, they will have to be sought by lesant other chapters of expenditure, including the social sphere martyrdom ", it pointed out. The deputes of the group do not agree with the idee that the current douma is, so-called, " an obstacle has the adoption of the necessary laws for the development of the country ", has it says. The year derniere, all the principal laws suggested by the president of the country have ete adoptees, A underlines Aksakov. " a positive role has ete there plays by the centrists, the line and the left ", pointed out the depute. According to Aksakov, " the political crisis in the process of creation artificially, in which will be entraines the president, the government and the douma, will make only increase the political apathy of the population and a new crisis of confidence in being able into general ". The depute estimates that, " on the international arene, that will sap confidence in Russia as an economic partner and will lead has the reduction of the foreign investments, which will push the Russian economy has a new recession ". Admittedly, the government must improve its work, A declares Anatoli Aksakov. But, the will of president Poutine is enough amply for that, estimates it. The initiative to vote a motion of censure has the regard of the government will be examinee holds the meeting pleniere of March 14.