THE HISTORY OF THE TUNNEL UNDER THE EMBASSY OF RUSSIA IN THE UNITED STATES WOULD BE IN REALITY A GREAT FINANCIAL SCANDAL IMPLYING SECRET SERVICE AMERICAINS MOSCOW March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Olga Semionova). The history of the tunnel of hollow listening under the embassy of Russia in the United States could be in reality the greatest financial scandal of all the history of the secret service americains. This opinion has ete emitted during a discussion with RIA " Novosti " by a veteran of the Russian information exterior which during many years A ensures the " supervision " of his/her colleagues americains. According to this source very informee, which required anonymity, the Russian part had well decouvert here " more than ten years the existence of an electronic monitoring of the sovietic embassy has Washington and taken appropriees measurements for empecher an escape of information indeed very significant by this channel ". However, according to the veteran of the information, has the difference of the celebre " tunnel of Berlin ", to equip the underground with Washington of systems of listening it does not have ete necessary to proceed has great expenditure of forces and means being gives only " the underground infrastructure which existed was fully sufficient for the installation of the equipment adapt ". **time-out** this fine expert of secret service secrets americains himself east declare extremement astonish not by " the revelation fortuitous in the press of method ultrasecretes of monitoring electronic of enemy utilisees by some service of information but by the will manifest to attract the attention of opinion on the coOet exorbitant of this action sterile realisee by the Agency for the security national (ASN) and the Federal Office of Investigation (FBI). Certain newspaper americains have same fact state of "excurtionnistes high place " to which the FBI have watch its " weapon secrete ". From the point of view of any against-espionage, a boob widening the number of potential sources for the enemy is unimaginable. **time-out** for the secret agent secret it be obvious that in addition to the objective principal which be to return responsible of decouverte of tunnel the agent of FBI Robert Hanssen, arrete the 18 February last, the secret service secrets americains of continue another can be less obvious, certainly, but very significant for them, which consist have convince the taxpayer americains and, if possible, the congressmen controlant the financing of secret service secrets, that the " hundred of million of dollar " (if one of believe the media americains it be it that the pseudo-tunnel have coOete) have not ete detournes by the Manitoban of information of then but use advisedly According to remarks' of the expert in espionage, the new " escapes " of information concerning of other similar tunnels under the Russian of San-Francisco and perhaps same consulate under the embassy of Russia in the capital of close Canada militate in favour of this version. For the veteran, with the risk to cause a diplomatic scandal, the secret service americains does not have hesite has reveler rather them-same their activities out of matter of espionage than to be likely to be imply in a " financial business ". Indeed, if the tunnel does not have ete hollow and if one A uses simply the communication systems in place, whereas became the octroyes million with boring?