THE PARQUET FLOOR OF THE TCHETCHENIE EAST IN THE TRAIN OF ENQUETER ON A SERIES OF RUSSIAN ASSASSINATIONS OF FAMILIES IN THIS REPUBLIC MOSCOW, March 11. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the Parquet floor of Tchetchenie is in the train of enqueter on a series of Russian assassinations of families residant on the territory of this republic. Like let know the Prosecutor of Tchetchenie, Vsevolod Tchernov, lately, several Russian families, including little children, are tombees victims of gangsters tchetchenes. An extraordinary fixed price has made ete, for example, in the Leninski district of the town of Grozny in the night from the 9 to last 10 March or two young girls Russian have ete assassinees and another seriously blessee. Several crimes of the same kind have made ete, this year, in other districts of Tchetchenie. Actions penales have ete opened on all these fixed prices that the Prosecutor of Tchetchenie took under his personal control. Like pointed out the Public prosecutor, it is forces in Tchetchenie which empechent to retablir peace there and get busy by all their average has y destabiliser the situation. Like answer, the Parquet floor of the Republic of Tchetchenie will redouble efforts and will do all that in depend to find and punish the criminals, A underlines Tchernov. As strange as that can paraitre but the organizations of defense of the humans right, that it is in Russia or Occident, which do not miss, generally, no occasion to go up out of pin the pretendues violations of the humans right in Tchetchenie by the federal Forces overlook the fixed prices evoke.