RUSSIA DOES NOT GRANT A MILITARY CONTEST TO THE TALIBAN MOSCOW, March 11. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Russia never has grants and still does not grant to military contest nor technico-soldier to the movement " Taliban ". RIA " Novosti " has ete of it formally informee by a spokesman of the Russian ministry of Defense in its comment of the new Presidential decree of the Federation of Russia, Vladimir Poutine. Sign, Sunday, says it decree establishes additional restrictions concerning the Afghan territory under control of the taliban. This representant high places ministry held has to stress that this one respected has the letter all the provisions of resolution 1333 of the Security Council of the United Nations on the sanctions striking the taliban. Thus, just like requires it the decree in question of the President of Russia, the Russian ministry of Defense provided to the mode taliban no production military or parts nor know-how has double vocation. " There never was, and there are still no advisers nor Russian military specialists " on the Afghan territory under control of the taliban, A declares representant it of the ministry for the Defense of the Federation of Russia.