SERB FORCES OF SECURITY APPRETENT TO ENTER ITSELF THE BUFFER ZONE SITUEE A THE BORDER WITH THE MACEDOINE BELGRADE, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Riabikine). The command of the multinational force in Kosovo (KFOR) A confirms that the forces of security of Serbia and Yugoslavia were autorisees has to return in the zone of security situee along the border with Macedoine and to exert their right of defendre the territorial integrite of the country, A declares Nebojsa Covic, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia. According to him, it A examines Saturday this problem with Carl Cabigiosu, controlling KFOR, and Pieter Feith, envoye special of the Secretary-general of UNO. The beginning of the implementation of this decision will be advertisement, pointed out Covic. It is about a " zone very complex and dangerous ", A underlines the Deputy Prime Minister. The direction of the republic wants defendre its troops and its font during the introduction of the forces into the zone of security and " to ensure the total safety has all the inhabitants of the area ". The Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia A underlines the " constructive way " in which the command of the KFOR tackles this problem. That wants to say that " Yugoslavia and the KFOR become more and more partners ", has it underlines.