MOSCOW ESPERE THAT THE MEETING OF THE IRANIAN AND RUSSIAN PRESIDENTS WILL BE PROFITABLE MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Moscow espere that the next meeting of the presidents Russian Vladimir Poutine and Iranian Mohamad Khatemi will make it possible to "entrouvrir the gate " giving on the payment of the litigious problems relating to the definition of the legal statute of the Caspian one. It is what the Russian vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres and representant of the Russian president for Caspian Viktor Kalioujny A declares at the time of a press conference donnee has Moscow. The diplomat has advertisement which the Iranian part had expresses the wish to sign has the exit of the talks of the heads of State a declaration as that had ete made at the end of the meetings of the Russian president with the leaders of Kazakhstan and Azerbaidjan. The joint declaration preparee by the two parts leve not all the related litigious questions has problematic the Caspian one, A indicates Viktor Kalioujny. However, estimates it, of great hopes are places on the meeting held on both presidents. Caracterisant the current state of the talks on the definition of the legal statute of the Caspian Sea, the vice-minister pointed out that the year derniere one had assists has a bringing together of the positions of the Caspian States, and this in a great measurement thanks to the role plays by Russia precisely. " They is large successes, because up to now the situation seemed without exit ", has it indicates. At all events, Viktor Kalioujny declares perplexed face has the position of Iran which insists on the " decoupage of Caspian in equal shares ". He A explains why " taking into account the agreement occurred in the matter between Russia and Kazakhstan ", the position adopted here by Iran " makes the problem Caspian insoluble ". The vice-minister pointed out that Moscow and Teheran carried out an intense dialogue. During the last six-month period, six meetings have ete consacrees has this theme. According to remarks' of Viktor Kalioujny, the interest which Iran carries to the same Caspian payment in the absence of positive results " gives pleasure ". All differente is the position of Turkmenistan which is " firm " A any meeting of work, has releve. Viktor Kalioujny A declares that it " included/understood the position of Saparmourat Niyazov which reclamait a summit meeting, but, according to him, has this level it is impossible of regler all the questions, for that of the meetings of work are necessary.