THE SIGNATURE OF THE DOCUMENT ON THE SUSPENSION OF THE CONFRONTATIONS BETWEEN THE ALBANIANS AND THE FORCES SERB IS AJOURNEE BELGRADE, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Slabynko). The representants of the Albanians of the South of Serbia do not have accepts the plan of NATO on the suspension of the confrontations weapons in this area. It is what A declares Saturday evening, has Bucanovac, the Yugoslav Minister for the Ethnic minorities Rasim Ljajic, after a breve meets with Pieter Feith, envoye special of the Secretary-general of NATO. According to Ljajic, the Albanians have requires that the talks be defer and that one gives them time for the consultations. It estimates the same one very that the agreement of armistice will be concluded before Monday March 12. The consultations of Serb and the Albanians with the special envoye of the Secretary-general of NATO will continue. " We could have, before next Monday, of the concrete results not only with regard to the signature of the armistice, but also concerning the introduction of Yugoslav forces into the buffer zone of security ", A underlines the minister. Before its meeting with Ljajic, the special envoye of the Secretary-general of NATO Pieter Feith had talks with the leaders of supposedly the armee of release of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medveja. According to information coming from Bujanovac, it A refuses to make statements with the journalists and had the air very mecontent after its meeting with the Yugoslav official personalities. The confrontations weapons against the Albanian terrorists and the units of armee and font of Yugoslavia have continues Saturday practically all the day.