THE LIBRARY OF CONGERS AMERICAIN AND THE RUSSIAN MARIE SUCCESS GO COOPERER BETWEEN THEM WASHINGTON, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). James Billington, director of the Library of Congers and the director of the Success Marie de Saint-Petersbourg Valeri Guerguiev will sign on March 30 has Washington a cooperation agreement in the field of the preservation of the single collection of partitions of will operas of Saint-Petersbourg. This prevoit agreement the drafting of a catalogue and the microfilming of the single collection of partitions of will operas commencee by the success since its foundation. The largest Library of the Congers americain, of the world, or are preserves of the books, of films and the partitions of musical works will send its experts who will procederont has the drafting of a catalogue and has the restoration of the Russian collection. The musicologists americains and those of other countries will be able, in exchange, to be useful itself of the copies of the Russian documents microfilm. James Billington A declares with the journalists that the collection of partitions of will operas Marie Success was " true a tresor ". The collection dating from the time of the Russian tsars necessite the drafting of a modern catalogue, more precis. The experts of the Library of Congers have already gives a prealable estimate documents preserves has Saint-Petersbourg.