IN THE UNITED STATES ONE WAS TERRIBLY PROUD SECRET TUNNEL HOLLOW UNDER THE EMBASSY OF RUSSIA WASHINGTON, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). The secret service americains was so proud tunnel of electronic listenings which they had hollow under the embassy initially of Sovietique Union, then of Russia which they had same proposes " to go there in excursion " has members high places of the administration americaine having access to the greatest secrecies. It is what " Washington post " has advertisement in its Sunday delivery, being referant has former members of the administration americaine having required anonymity. It is remarkable that all these operations impressed of cynicism suitable for Americains were realisees while in same Washington time rose against a certain activity of espionage deployee by Russia against the United States. Thus, the experts americains knowing technologies utilisees in the tunnel have advertisement with the newspaper which listenings were effectuees by means of various types of " chips ", of which some had ete branchees on the communications by the means of optical fibre wire or copper. Some of these " chips " could be branchees on channels of connection and same on electric wire, whose radiation electromagnetic was collects and dechiffre. In the tunnel one also used lasers which intercepted the sound waves emanating from the water pipelines and the steel beams constituting the ossatude embassy. A former governmental specialist americain as regards electronic information also has revele that " tiny microphones could be introduced into the glasses of the WC via the lines ", writes Washington post ". At once several official and representants of the secret service americains have precise with the newspaper that the information obtained by the tunnel " did not presentaient much interest " and that it is avere thereafter that this information obtained was in reality of the " misinformation ". According to the daily newspaper, to dig the tunnel the government americain had acquired of a residential building locates has proximity of the embassy and that the accesses to the tunnel were in its basement. Recognizing the existence of serious complications of a technical nature rencontrees during installation this this work, several former members of the secret service americains have confirms in " Washington post " that has the CIA there was a special cell which laid out of underground technologies sophistiquees. " It is not the single tunnel has to have ete borer ", A indicates to the newspaper one these representants which held has preciser that " these things have ete realisees numbers some rather significant ".