THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT INTRODUCES COMPLEMENTARY RESTRICTIONS A THE REGARD OF THE TALIBAN MOSCOW, 11 seas. (Corr Ria " Novosti "). The Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, have sign the decree " Of the application of Resolution 1333 of the Security Council of UNO on December 19 2000. The service of press of the president has advertisement that this decree fixed complementary restrictions referring to the Afghan territory control by the movement " Taliban ". The president has decrete that all the publicly-owned establishments, industrial, commercial, financial, haulage companies, firms, banks, organizations, people legal and public being under the jurisdiction of the Federation of Russia must in their activity stick to the clauses of the Decree presidentiel number 786 on May 5 2000. In addition, of January 19 2001 to January 19 2002, in addition to prevues measurements by the Decree number 786, it is interdict to provide, sell or transmit on the territory of Afghanistan control by the taliban, directly or not, of the services and the products of military nature, of the goods has double use as well as spare parts, machines and goods auxiliary for the articles susmentionnes. The Decree presidentiel also introduces several other restrictions. In particular, it is prohibited A all the civils servant, representants, advisers and soldiers to be in Afghanistan to grant consultations of a military nature to the taliban. All the establishments of the taliban being in Russian territory as well as the agencies of the Afghan airline " Ariana " must be firm. The president has also decrete to freeze the funds and other financial credits of Ousama Ben Laden. The Decree presidentiel also introduces other restrictions and prohibited currently has the regard of the Afghan territory control by the movement " Taliban ".