MOSCOW KNOWS ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF THE NETWORK OF BASES AND CAMPS OF DRIVE OF THE TERRORISTS IN AFGHANISTAN MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Moscow knows that a network ramifies bases and camps of drive of the international terrorists control by the movement of the taliban is on the territory of Afghanistan. Moscow has " information detailles verifies " on this subject, A declares Wednesday Serguei Ordjonikidze, Russian vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres. Sites of the bases and the camps, as well as the names of the instructors are known, A underlines the vice-minister. One is in presence of the coarse mepris by the taliban of the requirements of the Security Council of UNO to cease supporting international terrorism, A declares the diplomat Russian. It is notorious that the inexecution by the movement of Taliban precisely of this requirement was one of the principal reasons of the catch by the Security Council of UNO of the sanctions has the opposition to the direction of the taliban. Information above has ete submitted to the Committee for the sanctions has the opposition to the movement of the taliban melts in accordance with resolution 1333 of the Security Council, pointed out Serguei Ordjonikidze.