THE MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT ON THE NECESSITE TO TRANSFORM RUSSIA INTO A TRANSIT COUNTRY LEADER MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Galina Filippova). In the future, Russia must become one of the first transit countries of the world, A declares the Minister Russian for Transport Serguei Frank, intervening has a session pleniere of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament). The minister has informs the deputes on the improvement of the Russian grid system and on creation of new corridors of transport. He A declares that according to the forecasts, to develop in Russia the infrastructure of the international corridors of transport between 2001 and 2010 he would be necessary to invest 600 billion roubles there (1 dollar = 28,5 roubles approximately). If the prevus projects are realises, the additional receipts, thanks to the development of the transit towards 2010, will be able to amount has 8-9 per annum billion dollars, said Serguei Frank. According to the minister, the corridor of transsiberien transport brings every year of the receipts from approximately 1 billion dollar. In prospect, this figure could be gate has 2,5 billion dollars. The corridor of transport " NOR-South " brings from 1,5 A 2 billion dollars.