GOVERNMENT BOURIATE PRETERA ITS ASSISTANCE WITH THE MONGOLIAN STOCKBREEDERS ULAN-CBator, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Altman). The government of Bouriatie (republic forming integrante part of the Federation of Russia, close to Mongolia) will pretera its assistance with the Mongolian stockbreeders, A declares the president bouriate Leonide Potapov in official visit in Mongolia, has the invitation of the Mongolian government. The strong secheress in ete and the large cold of this winter in Mongolia have cause the death of more than 3 million livestock. Moreover, more than 25 hearths of foot-and-mouth disease, a very dangerous infectious disease for the betail, have ete record in three districts of the East of Mongolia. Leonide Potapov A declares that Bouriatie was going to grant has Mongolia 30 000 dollars to buy vaccines of them against various animal infectious diseases. Moreover, has it adds, of the businessmen and of the companies bouriates have already transfers more than 1 500 million roubles on a separate account of assistance to the Mongolian stockbreeders strike by this misfortune, the apparatus of the government and the president, as well as the deputes of the Parliament bouriate having transfers at the bottoms of assistance their daily wages.