THE IMAM OF THE MOSQUEE OF DELHI JUSTIFIES THE DESTRUCTION OF MONUMENTS NON-ISLAMIQUES IN AFGHANISTAN NEW DELHI, March 7. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Igor ALEXANDROV /. the imam of the mosquee " Juma Masjid " of New Delhi, Sayed Ahmad Bukhari, A justifies the Afghan talibans which emitted a decree prescribing the destruction of the not-Islamic monuments. In its speech pronounces during the prayer of Tuesday has the occasion of the Eid-Al-Adha fete, the imam said that it supported the talibans if their actions were a revenge for the mosquee " Babri masjid " detruite in the Indian city on Aiodhya on December 6, 1992. The imam affirms that one representant of the talibans had informs UNO which the Buddhist monuments in Afghanistan were going to be demolis for this reason precisely, it be-A-statement because mosquee had ete detruite. " Because they fight for our cause, I cannot reprouver the actions of the talibans ", said Bukhari. The imam has additions that if the Indian government agreed " to evacuate the Buddhist idols " of the place or found the mosquee, it would intervene in the name of the Moslems aupres of the talibans to request them not to demolir the religious heritage of Afghanistan and to accept talks on the transmission of the ancient statues of Buddha has India.