THE CENTRAL BANK OF RUSSIA IS NOT LIEE WITH TRANSFER ERRONE OF 2 MILLION DOLLARS BY " BANK OF NEW YORK " A RUSSIAN BANK " NIJEGORODETS " MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Central Bank of Russia (BCR) and its persons in charge are not dregs with the transfer errone of 2 million dollars by the " Bank of New York " (the United States) have the Russian bank " Nijegorodets ", have advertisement Wednesday the department of the relations etrangeres and public of the BCR. The mass media have reports recently that in 1994, the " Bank of New York " had transfers by error 2 million dollars has the Russian bank " Nijegorodets ". The autorites regionales of Nijni Novgorod took measures for remedier has the situation and to refund these funds, according to BCR'S.