PRESIDENT NIGERIAN CARACTERISE ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION WITH RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 7. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Iouri NIKOLAIEV /. In its intervention in front of the representants of the Russian mediums of businesses has Moscow, the president nigerian Olesegun Obasandjo A invites the petroliers and gas Russian has to take part has the development of gas and oil reservoirs in its country. Oil and the gas are not, in Nigeria, the single sphere or of the Russian companies could carry out joint projects, has it indicates. Russian companies could also take part has joint projects in the industry and the sphere of high technologies. These dernieres years Nigeria A adopts a whole series of measurements to make climate economic more favourable A the investment, A underlines the president. " the gate of our country is opened to the Russian businessmen, it continued. Olusengun Obasanjo estimates that during its talks, the day before, with president Vladimir Poutine it has valley with him " very good relations ". Good contacts must also be established between the mediums of businesses of the two countries, has it adds. The president nigerian has rappele that during its meeting with Vladimir Poutine, the two men were agreed to carry has 500 million dollars the amount of the bilateraux exchanges at the end of five years. Also, has it appele the Russian mediums of businesses has to grant has its country a contest and an assistance.