A LEADER OF THE KOSOVARS EVOKES THE NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE YUGOSLAV AUTORITES BELGRADE, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Ryabikine). One of the leaders of kosovars (Albanian of Kosovo) A declares that if talks were engage with the Yugoslav autorites, they could not carry that on the peaceful "accession of Kosovo has independence ". In an interview accordee has the chains of Yugoslav television " Politika ", the president of the Party democratic of Kosovo and former head of the "Armee of release of Kosovo " (UCK) Hasim Taqi A states that Kosovo will form never again part of Serbia and Yugoslavia. He A expresses the hope to see convening an international conference consacree with the future statute of Kosovo and during which " he could be question only of the peaceful output of Kosovo of Serbia ". Hasim Taqi also pointed out that the release of all the kosovars purging sorrows in the Serb prisons was a prealable at the beginning of the negotiations with the autorites of Belgrade. According to him, these detenus is 600 approximately. Hasim Taqi A indicates that Belgrade had proposes to proceed has an exchange of territories: the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica (on the territory of Kosovo, where live the Serb ones) against the town of Presevo (in the south of Serbia, peuplee has 90 percent of Albanian). In connection with the zone of security in the south of Serbia, Hasim Taqi said that " this area is not vouee has any future if it is controlee by the Serb font ". It also estimates that the units of the Yugoslav armee they also must be evacuees areas close to this zone. For the leader kosovar, the South of Serbia, area or are the communes of Presevo, of Bujanovac and of Medvedja (has Albanian population predominante) must see itself allotting the " statute of autonomy " but without being attaches to Kosovo. The organizer of the emission of " Politika " pointed out has the end of the interview that Hasim Taqi had not answered has two questions that it had posees to him and concerning the return of Serb huntings of Kosovo and the fate of the missing people and enlevees in this province.