DESTRUCTION OF STATUARY PRE-ISLAMIQUE BY THE TALIBAN EAST A CRIME MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian commission on UNESCO expresses a deep preoccupation face has the destruction of the religious and cultural monuments pre-Islamic on the Afghan territory. **time-out** " The action of taliban be nothing of different that a insult revoltante have the dignite some those which reverent piously the work of their ancestor which have inspire the people during some century and them have make believe with ideaux the more radiant ", be it underline in a declaration of commission of which the text be arrive Wednesday have RIA " Novosti ". The destruction of the statues is not only one obvious violation of the Convention of UNESCO for the protection of the cultural and natural inheritance, but also a challenge has all the world community, according to the declaration. For multiethnic Russia which makes great case of the cultural inheritance of all the ethnos groups populating its territory, the decree of mollah Omar " recalls the darkest pages of the old history and medievale ", reads one in the document. The commission of the Federation of Russia for UNESCO supports the efforts of the general manager of UNESCO aiming has arreter the destruction of the monuments of human civilization and calls the world opinion has to decide in favour of the pre-Islamic monuments sacrings of the culture and the religion in Afghanistan.