GOVERNMENT BIELORUSSE APPROVES THE IDEE OF AN ADHESION OF BIELORUSSIE A THE WORLD ORGANIZATION OF THE TRADE GENEVA, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexei Lipovetski). The government bielorusse approves the idee of an adhesion of Bielorussie has the world Organization of trade (OMC), A declares the vice-minister bielorusse Businesses etrangeres, Alexandre Mikhnevitch, who forms part of the delegation bielorusse which takes share has Geneva with the negotiations concerning the adhesion of Bielorussie has OMC. In same time, Alexandre Mikhnevitch pointed out that in Bielorussie there was not unanimite on this question: " Much of people does not know yet what it is that OMC, which are the advantages whose can beneficier the countries which adherent there ". According to its remarks, before entering has the world Organization of the trade Bielorussie will owe regler of significant problems in the fields of agriculture, textile industry, the chemical industry and mecanic constructions, or is needed defendre the interests of the national producers. For Alexandre Mikhnevitch, Bielorussie can make concessions, only it will require that its points of view are accept with regard to the most significant sectors of the economy, for example the agriculture, which employs approximately a third of the population bielorusse. Representant bielorusse also put forward the character regular and open consultations and exchanges of opinions with the Russian delegation, which it also negocie her adhesion with OMC but which has great experience owing to the fact that it has already much progresses in this direction. Alexandre Mikhnevitch considere that lately the co-operation from this point of view with Russia is considerably amelioree.