THE RUSSIAN TRAWLER IN INFRINGEMENT STILL DOES NOT HAVE ETE FINDS VLADIVOSTOK, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Larissa Beloivan, Anatoli Ilioukhov). The intense search undertaken since quarante-huit hours by ships and planes of the Russian guard-dimension in order to find Russian trawler " STM-17 " in infringement and registration number in the territory of Primorie (the Russian extreme-East) always does not have anything gives. It is what has advertisement general Pavel Tarassenko, head of the Department of the Pacific of the federal Service of borders (FPS) of Russia. It has critical the behavior of the Japanese autorites. According to its remarks, it is with delay which they have advertisement has the Russian guard-dimension that trawler " STM-17 ", pertaining A the company " Klemena ", had leaves the Nipponese port of Wakkanai (septentrional island of Kokkaido) in the evening of March 4. According to the head of the Department of the Pacific of the FPS, the fast trawler, left in the night, had an advance of at least ten hours and once on the open sea it could have changed course. " According to all probabilite, the captain of the ship in infringement put the course on an Asian country close to Japan. The trawler will be there repaints and sold has foreigners to avoid being confiscates by the Russian autorites ", estimates the general one. Pavel Tarassenko A declares that the Russian guard-dimension had car a lesson of this history and that " from now on it will act in an adequate way has the regard of the poachers, but always by strictly respecting the Law on the protection of the border of State of the Federation of Russia ". As announces previously, the trawler, depourvu of identification marks, had ete repere by the Russian guard-dimension on February 20 in water of the septentrional littoral of the territory of Primorie. Being unaware of the summations of the guard-dimensions, the captain of the fishing vessel had lance his boat towards international water by pushing the machines to the maximum. The continuation had lasts more than twenty-four hours. The guard-dimensions had has several recoveries draws from the public warnings. Once in international water, the trawler had raises a Japanese flag, which had induced the guard-dimensions in error. Japanese part A refuses to expel the trawler of the port of Wakkanai, declarant that the visas and the documents of the ship and the Russian pecheurs were in regle. They is only eleven days after a request appropriee of the Russian autorites which the trawler accompanies by two boats of the Nipponese Department of security at sea has leaves the island of Kokkaido.