RUSSIA A THE INTENTION TO DEVELOP THE MILITARY CO-OPERATION WITH NIGERIA MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre KONOVALOV /. the ministry for the Defense of Russia intends to develop by all the means the military co-operation and technico-soldier with Nigeria, A declares the Minister Russian for Defense Igor Sergueiev during his renconte Tuesday has Moscow with his counterpart nigerian Theophilius Danjuma. This co-operation, estimates Igor Sergueiev, " will influence considerably the stabilization of the situation the African continent and in the whole world ". According to the Russian minister, Russia and Nigeria " give about the same appreciation to the international problems most significant " and, in particular, " do not accept the future in a world has pole single ". " the purpose of Our policy is to build a world has multiple poles or each country will be able to find its place and defendre its intertets national ", said Igor Sergueiev. The minister nigerian A declares has his turn that its country has interest has to acquire armaments and materiel of war modern Russian, has to thus modernize those of sovietic manufacture whose forces armees of its country are equipees, has to form of the soldier nigerians in Russian military academies.