VLADIMIR POUTINE: " THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY GOES SE DEBUREAUCRATISER " MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Marianna CHATIKHINA /. a package of bills appeles has debureaucratiser the national economy will be subjected soon has the examination of Douma, A declares president Vladimir Poutine while answering the questions which have to him ete posees within the framework of a press conference on Internet. Then will come the turn from the bills intend has liberaliser the banking sphere and of the relative documents has reforms it legal system. According to the president, after the projects of improvement and reinforcement of the legal system, Douma will have to consider projects of texts tending has to perfect the relations between various bodies having for load the protection and the exercise of the rights. These projects will relate in particular to the sharing of the capacities between the parquet floor and the court, A explains Vladimir Poutine.