THE SUMMIT OF THE STATES OF THE CASPIAN SEA WILL TAKE PLACE IN APRIL MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the node of the Caspian States (Azerbaidjan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenie) will take place in the second moitie of April, has advertisement with the journalists the vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres and representant special of the president of the Federation of Russia for the Caspian Sea Viktor Kalioujni. The principal attention will be accordee has the co-operation in the exploitation of the resources minerales and biological of the sea, has it indicates. In this context, the parts will examine also other problems such as the determination of the statute of the Caspian Sea and the creation of a common Center of observation. It could be request to reunir these meetings regularly to develop a mechanism international co-operation has the instar " Group of Shanghai ", said Viktor Kalioujni. The node of the Caspian States would have dOe derouler March at the beginning of has Turkmenbachi, in Turkmenie, but has ete defers has April on the request of Iran.