VLADIMIR POUTINE SELDOM USES THE INTERNET ITSELF BUT KNOWS ABOUT THE PUBLICATIONS WHICH APPEAR ON THE NETWORK MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Vladimir Poutine estimates that the Internet is a interessant means of information and communication. It said it while answering Tuesday, in the Kremlin, with the questions of the Internet-mediae. The head of the Russian State has in same time acknowledges that it uses only seldom the Internet because of its " idleness innee ", according to his expression, but has additions, already on a serieux tone, that it has many of other means of getting information, in particular a large team of assistants who occupy themselves some in a professional way ". " the results which one draws from the Internet, I use them, said Vladimir Poutine, in particular condense various editions, for example of " Gazeta.ru ". It reads them like its daily mail, has it says, and also certainhs analytical particulars which one finds on the Fabric.