THE ACCENT EAST PUT ON THE TRANSIT MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The transit must ensure the rise of transport and of all the economy of Russia, A declares Tuesday Serguei Frank, Minister for Transport, with the college of the Russian ministry of Transport. According to Serguei Frank, his ministry A works out the fundamental principles of the policy in the field of the transit. Thanks to this policy and by using the corridors of transport passing by its territory, Russia will gain significant additional receipts coming from transport carry out Western Europe in Asia and vice versa. The idee of the development and the organization of these corridors of transport has ete approuvee has the 2nd international eurasiatic Conference which was taken place last September, has rappele Frank. The project has ete developpe in the agreement concluded by the governments from Russia, India and Iran to which have the intention of adherer Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Bielorussie and other countries. This agreement signs during the conference prevoit the creation of the corridor of " North-South " transport. With regard to the project " West-Is ", it received fresh impulse during recent visits of Russian president Vladimir Poutine in Republic of Coree and in Vietnam, when an agreement intervened on the junction of the railroads of the RDPC and the Republic of Coree with Transsiberien. The use of the air transits is also prevue, let know Serguei Frank. The opening of the lines croisees between the airports of America of North and the South-East Asia has already ete officially annoncee.