THE DECLARATION ON THE FRIENDSHIP AND THE PARTNERSHIP ENTERS RUSSIA AND NIGERIA A ETE SIGNEE A MOSCOW MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Oleg Ossipov). The Declaration on the principles of the friendly reports/ratios and the partnership signee Tuesday has Moscow by the presidents of Russia and of Nigeria aims has to develop the economic and commercial co-operation between the two countries. The document prevoit creation by the parts " of the conditions economic, financial and legal necessary to develop and encourage all the investment, forms of trade and other economic activities, especially field of oil and gas ". The Declaration stresses that Russia and Nigeria " will consult each other on the problems of the debt exterieure and will concert their approaches of the solution of this problem ". The presidents of the two countries were also appropriate to establish " direct contacts between the subjects of the entreprenariat, in particular between small and medium-sized undertakings, as well as between the banks and other organizations of credit ". Moreover, according to the Declaration, the parts will developperont " the information and experience sharing on the socio-economic, commercial and financial problems, like on the policy appliquee in these sectors ". Moreover, it is prevu to exchange information and the experiment in the prospection, the extraction and the exploitation of the natural resources, including minerales. The major part of the Declaration of 10 pages is consacree with the international problems. The document indicates that the interaction bilaterale between Russia and Nigeria can include " the development of the practical co-operation in order to increase the anti-crisis and pacificatory potential of UNO and the international organizations regionales ". The declaration also underlines that the parts " reaffirment their attachment has the progression of total desarmement and with the reinforcement of the modes of non-proliferation of the weapons of massive destruction and will stain to coordinate their actions in these fields ". According to the document, the parts attach a great importance has the implementation of the programme of reinforcement of strategic stability exposes in the statement made by the Russian president on November 13 2000. Russia and Nigeria will also contribute to successes of the international conference on the not-militarization of the space which will be held in 2001 pennies the aegis of UNO has Moscow has the occasion of the 40e anniversary of the first flight of the man in space.