MOSCOW WILL PAY THIS YEAR 750 MILLION DOLLARS OF DEBT EXTERIEURE MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Evguenia Iakouta). The government of the Russian capital is disposee has to pay this year 750 million dollars of debt exterieure, A declares Tuesday Serguei Pakhomov, president of the Committee for the prets of Moscow. It A stresses that the reserves of exchange of the government of Moscow made it possible to already pay large this sum. Serguei Pakhomov said that in April or May Moscow was to entirely refund its debt on the euroobligations. This year, the government of Moscow does not intend to make new prets for the municipal investment plan. It will make prets only for the reorganization of the existing debts. The municipal autorites recoivent already " interessantes proposals concerning these prets ", has it adds.