THE DRAFT OF FRIENDSHIP AND CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND CHINA WILL BE SIGN A MOSCOW PEKIN, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Issaiev). The Draft of friendship and co-operation between China and Russia will be sign during the visit of the president of the RPC Jiang Zemin in Russia which will take place next July, A declares Tuesday, has Pekin, Tang Jiaxuan, Foreign Minister of the RPC, speaking at the Parliament of the country. According to him, this draft will carry the relationship between our countries has a new level. The head of Chinese diplomacy A stresses that the co-operation sino-Russian was developpait successfully and that the two countries implemented " a new type of relationship between the States ". According to the Foreign Minister of the RPC, relationship's between the two countries rest " on the principles of the equal partnership which is not directs against third countries ". China and Russia " are good friends, good neighbors and good partners ", has it underlines. The head of Chinese diplomacy A declares: " the relationship between the two countries is developpent successfully in the policy fields, economic, scientific, technical, military and in other fields ". This year, has it declares, of new aspects will apparaitront in the relationship between our two countries. China and Russia will continue their exchanges at the top. In 2001, Russian president Vladimir Poutine will twice visit China, it will take part in ete in the node from the " Five of Shanghai " and, has the autumn, at the top of the economic Organization of co-operation in the Asia-Pacific, let know Tang Jiaxuan.