THE MOSLEM FETE OF THE SACRIFICE EAST CELEBREE IN OUZBEKISTAN TACHKENT, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Valeri Niyazmatov). The Moslem fete of the sacrifice debute Tuesday in Ouzbekistan. The cabinet of the ministers ouzbek has decrete that on March 6 would be fery day in the republic. According to the tradition, that day there procede are sacrifices, one regale the poor and the orphans, one returns visit to the patients and with the people agees and one offers gifts to them. One also requests so that peace and prosperity regnent on the Earth. The fete of the Sacrifice is prolonged three days. It coincide with pilgrimages carry out on the Moslem holy spot has Mecque and has Medine, in Saudi Arabia. This year, some 4.000 Ouzbek went has Mecque, has advertisement the spiritual department of the Moslems of the republic.