SWEDEN CONFERE A GREAT IMPORTANCE A VISIT A STOCKHOLM OF THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT PARIS, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Leonide Kokovitch). In the capacity as country taking the presidency of the European Union (UE), Sweden confere a great importance has the next visit that the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, will carry out has Stockholm to take part in work of the node " UE-Russia ". It is what has advertisement Tuesday the Prime Minister suedois, GOran Persson, has the exit of the talks that it had with the French president, Jacques Chirac. The meeting " UE-Russia " will take place in the capital suedoise on March 23-24. According to remarks' of GOran Persson, significant questions concerning the widening of the economic co-operation between Russia and the UE, especially in the field of energy, will be examinees during talks which the Russian president will have with the heads of State and government of the European Union and then at the time of the official dejeuner. In addition, the parts will debattront of international files, in particular of the situation in the Middle East and in Balkans, of the process of reunification of the two States coreens. One expects has what Vladimir Poutine presente with the European leaders one exposes on the situation in Republic of Tchetchenie, A underlines the head of the government suedois. After the node " UE-Russia ", the leaders of the European Union will procederont has an exchange of opinions on the social and demographic problems to which the European Union is confrontee, on the food security and biotechnology, like on the nature conservancy. GOran Persson has leaves Paris for Madrid. The president in exercise of the UE carries out a tournee in the capitals of the European Union within the framework of the preparation of the next meeting of Stockholm.