THE YUGOSLAV PRESIDENT AND THE LEADER OF THE SERB ENTITE OF BOSNIA SIGN AN AGREEMENT OF SPECIAL LINKS AND PARALLELES BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES BELGRADE, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Riabikine). Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica and the president of the Serb entite of Bosnia, Republika Srpska (RS), Mirko Sarovic have sign Monday an agreement of establishment of the special links and paralleles between the two countries. This document " takes its roots in the agreements of Dayton ", A declares Vojislav Kostunica by signing the agreement. One can speak from now on about a new step towards peace in the whole of the area. This agreement will be a base of other agreements in the field of the economy, the culture and the military co-operation, according to him. For its part, Mirko Sarovic A qualifies this event of history and more significant for the Serb republic of Bosnia since the signature of the agreements of Dayton.