MORE THAN 6 000 QUESTIONS TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERATION OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR POUTINE OF NOW AND ALREADY ARRIVED A THE DAY BEFORE SA CONFERENCE PRESS ON INTERNET MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. More than 6 000 questions to the President of the Federation of Russia Vladimir Poutine are of now and already arrived has the address " Strana. Ru " has its the press conference day before on Internet. As learns it the site " Strana. Ru ", today, has 18.10 hours of Moscow, 6 877 questions with the head of the Russian State already reached that point. The premiere interview " One line " of Vladimir Poutine will be deroulera in the Kremlin on March 6 has 18.00 hours of Moscow and will take one hour. President Poutine will answer the questions of three media-Internet, and more precisely of Russian " Gazeta. Ru " and " Strana. Ru " and of British BBC " One line ". Any visitor of the sites evoke can put any question with the head of the Russian State and this, since last 27 February. The media-Internet in question plan to put has the provision of the users, as well the text of the interview in time reel as its audio-visual transmission on line. The site " Strana. Ru " recoit of the questions of the inhabitants of practically all the subjects of the Federation of Russia, the Soviet ex-republics and abroad. Like RIA " Novosti " in A ete informee by a spokesman of the site " Strana. Ru ", the readers generally tackle the major problems of Russia of today. Many questions relate to the contents, the orientation and the dynamics of reform effectuees has the initiative of the President. " Our readers interessent themselves with the real mechanisms to build an effective State. In other words, they would like to know how the plans of the head of the State will be realises, or it will seek its support among the frameworks, which concrete steps will be taken, in the immediate one, on the axis-keys of reforms capacity of State ", has additions representant it of the drafting of the Internet site.