THE GROUP OF DEPUTES " UNIT " A DOUMA CONSIDERE NOT LIKE BAD THE GOVERNMENT IN PLACE MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Galina Filippova /. the group of deputes " Unit " has Douma, groups pro-governmental, considere not like bad the government in place, but wants well the dissolution of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), by setting in motion the procedure of motion of censure has the current cabinet. It is what A declares, in substance, Frants Klintsevitch, chief-assistant of this group of deputes, at the time of its press conference has Moscow. In other words, the deputes of the group " Unit " estimate that the President of the Federation of Russia, Vladimir Poutine, will not hardly accept the motion of censure, exprimee by the Lower House of the Parliament, but will quite simply dissolve current Douma for designer legislatives news, estimates Frants Klintsevitch, chief-assistant of this group of deputes.