IT IS DIFFICULT SE REPRESENTER THE HISTORY OF THE HUMANITE WITHOUT MIKHAIL GORBATCHEV, ESTIMATES EDOUARD CHEVARDNADZE TBILISSI, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). It is difficult representer the history of the humanite without Mikhail Gorbatchev and the " perestroika " (reorganization), A declares the president georgien Edouard Chevardnadze in an interview has the Radio main road. " We made much in common with Mikhail Gorbatchev: in fact unforgettable years have exchange the world ", A underlines Chevardnadze which was a Foreign Minister of the Sovietique Union has the time or Mikhail Gorbatchev was has the tete political direction of the USSR. In the opinion of the president georgien, " after the " perestroika ", world A indeed changes, Gorbatchev and its sympathizers have there makes a contribution without equal. " plain Europe and the relationship with our Western partners without confrontation became reality ", said Chevardnadze. However, the relationship between Russia and Georgie are deteriorees under the presidency of Chevardnadze because, for much, of the position of Tbilissi which applies a policy antirusse by showing indulgence towards the activity subversive of the separatists tchetchenes against Russia who have finds refuge on the territory georgien.