CONSTITUTIONAL COURT MOLDAVE APPROVES THE DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE RESULTS OF THE LEGISLATIVES KICHINEV, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Lioudmila Rybkina). The central electoral Commission (CEC) of Moldavie transmitted has the constitutional Court of the republic the documents relating to the results of legislatives the anticipees which took place on February 25. According to Anatol Pulke, secretary of the central Commission, the constitutional Court owes, in the 10 days, verifier these documents. If it approves the results of the elections, the Parliament lately elected will be able to begin its work the shortly after the publication of the decision with the constitutional Court. According to documents' of the central electoral Commission, 3 political formations (on the 27 which has participle with the elections) obtained sieges has the legislative assembly. They are the Communist Party moldave (50 percent of the votes), the "alliance of Braghis ", directs by the Prime Minister moldave (more than 13 percent) and the popular Party of the chretiens-democrats (more than 8 percent). In accordance with the decision of the central electoral Commission, the Communists should have 71 sieges at the new Parliament (on 101), " the alliance of Braghis " of 19 and the popular Party of the chretiens-democrats of 11.