DISEASES PROVOQUEES BY NON-DRINKING WATER ARE IN PROGRESSION IN THE CUS OF RUSSIA STAVROPOL/ROSTOV-SUR-LE-DON, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Valeri Oliyantchouk, Sofia Brykanova). The persons in charge of the territorial and federal medical departments always have their fixee attention on the situation preoccupante which prevaut in the village of Tchernoleski, in the territory of Stavropol (southern of Russia). The number of sick people tombees after having consumes water of the tap souillee by infectueuses additions continues croitre. RIA " Novosti " learned aupres from the doctor-chief of a territorial hospital Vladimir Erofeiev which the accesses of the diseases had ete records a week here. During dernieres twenty-four hours, 28 people are tombees sick. On the whole, care have dOe to be exemptions has 357 people, whose 199 children ages of less than 14 years 127 patients, including 88 children, have ete hospitalisees. The doctors do not have has to face has any serious case and Sunday 15 patients could return on their premises. According to the service of press of the Center north-caucasien of the Russian ministry of the emergency Situations, this infection would be due A an agent borbific. Preventives measures are taken. It is interdict to use the water of the tap for consumption, the village east supplies out of drinking water by tankers.